
Showing posts from October, 2017

If you are planning on not voting in the Same-Sex Marriage plebiscite, please read this

If you were to ask me where I stood regarding the Same Sex Marriage plebiscite, I could answer you without a moments hesitation: I voted yes. It's a given. I believe in love and I believe in equality and I think that not being able to marry someone you love - to have that be illegal - is total and utter nonsense. The past few months have not been pleasant. I feel like a week hasn't gone by where I haven't seen someone post something about the traditional values of marriage and nature and how homosexuality is a sin. The plebiscite has brought thoughts about homosexuality out into the open, and some of what I have read has made me sad and angry and hurt. I can't imagine how my gay friends must feel. Anger and outrage is a very common and understandable response to these sorts of statements. It was my initial response. I unfollowed some family members and friends who posted about voting no. I couldn't contain my disgust. How could they support something that was so