
Showing posts from September, 2018

Spooky Reads for Halloween #2 | 2018

For those of you who don't know me, October is my favourite month and Halloween is my favourite holiday. It tops birthdays and weddings and even New Years, and I love me an opportunity to celebrate a new beginning. There's something about how the month marks the change of weather from chilly winter to warm, blustery spring, and how it seems to celebrate story-telling, which is one of the most tangible forms of magic in the universe. It's also the time of year where everyone seems to spend a little more time indoors, trying hard to make the most of the remaining months of the year. I think there's something truly magical about October. Photo by  Bekir Dönmez  on  Unsplash This year, as always, I'm hoping to indulge in some spooky reads, because nothing feels more October to me than reading an atmospheric book. These are the ones I am the most excited to get to: -Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl -Dracula by Bram Stoker -Death

The Adventures of Bunny Lancashire #Episode1

Bunny was a bold woman of twenty-two. She had a boring job that she did fabulously well and wholly detested, and three close friends that only got on on the best of occasions. She drank a lot of coffee and did a lot of thinking and what she thought of most of all was that what she wanted, more than anything in the world, was to get into a bit of trouble. Not in the romantic sense, of course. That was old hat at her age, surely. Besides, anyone could have their heart broken. No. Bunny wanted to experience the high of discovery or mystery. It was a great frustration to her that most of the good places had already been found. Multiple times, it often turned out. She hoped that there were still some aliens buried deep in the Antarctic tundra for her to find, but was at the point where she was willing to accidentally go missing just to provide herself with something to do. It was this that she had been discussing with one of her friends, David, over coffee at Luke's. He was a terrib