
Showing posts from March, 2020

dancing in the storm

The teachings of Buddhism state that attachment is the root of all suffering - that to be attached to a person or a place or a thing will cause us sadness when that person place or thing is no longer a part of our lives. There are some attachments that I would never give up, and I guess that’s what makes me gloriously human, but I can’t help but believe that my attachment to the certainty of my future is causing me to experience an acute unsettlement that I could really do without. Three weeks ago, I had a plan of exactly what my year would look like. In fact, I had a plan of how this year would lead into next year and the year after that and the year after that. This wasn’t even something that I was looking forward to necessarily - I was just sure of my path. Now, I’m at home and listless and grieving the loss of a future that, in truth, was never really that certain anyway. I don’t want to give up all of my attachments by any means. I am willing to feel sadness when something I have