
Showing posts from November, 2017

Storytime: Dean Lewis

I want to tell you a story. A happy one, about a concert that I attended recently. It had been a long day. After a month of intense work and very little respite, I was finally enjoying a day where I didn't have to do anything . I spent most of the day dozing and reading and drinking coffee and re-watching Harry Potter. I was still very sleepy by the end of the day, and was in half a mind to not head into town at all, spending my evening as I had spent my morning and afternoon, but decided in the end that if I spent any more time on my couch I would become a part of it - sort of squishy and lumpy, but largely inert and dormant. Besides, I did want to see my friends: it had been a while since any of us had been free at the same time, and I had missed them. The trip to town was pleasant enough. It had been raining lightly for most of the day, leaving the city and its parks and churches and old brick buildings in a quiet, reflective sheen. I enjoyed the walk to the restaurant throu