
Showing posts from October, 2018

Why I Read Young Adult Books

The best ideas, as always, seem to come to me when I am sitting on the toilet. I had been wanting to write this piece for a while, but whenever I sat down to write it, my need to logically explain my case was rapidly taken over by this overwhelming frustration in having to explain my case in the first place. However, my toilet musings have led me to two distinct and clear points which I believe will aid me in my quest. My first point is as follows: The genre a book belongs to dictates its purpose, not the quality of its writing. Any book can be excellent, regardless of whether it be non-fiction, literary fiction, genre fiction or children/young adult fiction. Belonging to a certain category means that a book may partake in certain constraints and tropes. Young adult books, in particular, are known as having two-dimensional protagonists, cliched love-triangles and predictable plots. I think this is in part because the target audience is known to be 'teenage girls' - the le

The Adventures of Bunny Lancashire #Episode2

There were very few people who knew Bunny better than Alexis. Their friendship was renowned for being stronger and more persistent than almost all things, including the common cold and construction work on the main street. It was for this reason that David was reluctant to mention what he had just read in his newspaper. But say it he must, for he knew that no one would want to fix things or would do so with as much ferocity as Bunny Lancashire. Unsure how best to begin, he coughed, loudly. "Coughdrop?" said Bunny, turning slowly away from the window from which she had been staring. "No thank you, dear," said David, before coughing again. "I've just read something that I think you should know..." "Is it that Alexis has traveled to Uraguay and disappeared from her locked hotel room?" said Bunny, taking a sip of her now-cold coffee. "How did you know?" said David. "Oh, she just texted me about it." &