It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I am the sort of person that overthinks almost everything. Buying tickets to Paris on a whim and not planning an itinerary is not very me. I love the feeling of freedom and open skies and open days, but I can’t help but worry that I’m wasting my days away when I haven’t left the hostel by 3pm and haven’t fully decided on what I’m going to do when I’ve left. I’ve got to learn to let this worry go, because not knowing what the day will hold means that when I stumble across a Christmas market or cheap movie tickets or new friends, it makes the experience that much more special. Because it was a surprise. 

That being said, it wasn’t all peachy. I ended up feeling so thirsty I ordered a cider, an orange juice and a coffee all at once and not being able to finish them, after paying a lot of money for an Italian meal that was so big and salty which for some reason I did finish. At that point I was a heavy rock in human form, and it took every ounce of energy left in my body to remove myself from the premises. It was quite lovely stepping into the warmth and brightness Christmassy of the building when it was rainy and cold outside. Stepping out into the cold wetness after such a heavy meal was also very refreshing. 

After exploring Leicester Square Christmas Markets and eating three times what I ought to have for my dinner, I decided to spend the time leading up to my London Ghost Tour watching Mortal Engines, a book series I’m now very keen to read. Mini-review: The movie was mostly well acted and cast, and the set and score were perfectly grandiose, but the script was absolutely cliched and very difficult to take seriously and the fight scenes were poorly choreographed. 6⭐️/10.



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