New Years Resolutions

I believe in earnestness. New Years resolutions have always been something I’ve loved the idea of. I don’t care if I never achieve them, there’s something about putting a dream into words and into the universe that makes me feel like I’m here. 

Here are my 13, because I love the number 13. 

  1. Post an Instagram picture every day. I put a lot of creative effort into my Instagram page, and having that consistency of effort and posting will foster further creative effort. 
  2. Finish the books that I’ve started. I’ve got 50+ books on my goodreads account that I have put down. There’s nothing like the high of finishing something, even if it isn’t particularly good. I want to feel more of that this year.
  3. Make sure I’ve replied to all my messages by 7pm, and stop replying to them all by 8pm. I am notoriously bad at staying in touch with people, and I know the importance of constant contact after travelling halfway across the world by myself. I want to let the people I love know that I’m in their life, with as much permanency as any person can muster. But I don’t want to do this at the detriment of my own sanity. Limits are the key. 
  4. Write that musical. The world is not kind, and waiting for it to be is a productivity whirlpool. If you want the thing, just do it, the desire to do something is the sign you’ve been looking for. Don’t dismiss that.
  5. Watch more movies by myself. It makes me happy. 
  6. Watch more movies with my mum. They make her happy. 
  7. Don’t be afraid to express discomfort. There will always be a kind way to do so.
  8. Take days off. As soon as the working year starts I will grab at responsibilities like they are stars that I can hold in my hands. A lesson I need to learn over and over again is that responsibility is not the same as achievement. Let yourself rest, even if you don’t think you can afford it. 
  9. Compartmentalise. That way, when one aspect of your life breaks down, the rest will allow you some sanity to just exist. That’s a lesson I learnt from psychotherapy. 
  10. Love in short bursts. 
  11. Keep exploring who I am. It’s one of my favourite things about myself, that curiosity. Keep doing those personality quizzes, keep wandering what you would do if you were the protagonist of the story. Because you are.
  12. Take your medications how they’re supposed to be taken. Do not wait for anxiety. Do not wait for migraines. 
  13. Keep dreaming. Always. 

I’m sure I could come up with more if I tried, but the importance of this list is that I have committed the resolutions to my mind, by writing them down. They exist in a more permanent way, and I hope that however far my consciousness strays away from them, that my heart will push me back towards them eventually. 

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful New Year. 

More stories from my travels to come. 

Much love, 

S x


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